Monday, October 31, 2005
I love to watch Mike hold babies...

"I understood once I held a baby in my arms, why some people have the need to keep having them." ~ Spalding Gray

Sunday, October 30, 2005
The New Grandpa

Mike's son Justin and his wife Michele are now the proud parents of Madison Michele. She is adorable, and now MIKE IS A GRANDPA!

it's a good thing I love him so much, because this is the kind of thing that drives me crazy

where are my grapes?
Mike: [still in bed] Hon, did the time change?
Me: [at the computer] I don't know. I'll check.
Mike: I mean did they decide to change it?
Me: Yes, but I don't know if it was last night or tonight.
Mike: Because they were talking about not changing it.
Me: [after checking the clocks against the time on the cell phone] Yes, it changed.
Mike: Are you sure? Because I don't think they're doing it this year.
Me: Mike. There is a big sign on the school marquee reminding everyone to turn their clocks back.
Mike: Oh.
[a short pause and then I hear him dialing his phone]
Mike: Mom, are they going to turn the time back this year?

Friday, October 21, 2005
He does windows!
Sunday, October 09, 2005

So, I had an 'offer of sponsorship' for this blog. Talks are still in the works. By talks, I mean a couple of emails. But 'talks' sounds so much more important. The funny thing is that Mike got all JEALOUS! Like, how come I wasn't advertising HIS business? He immediately offered to sponsor me in exchange for a link. How adorable is that? I love that he thinks I'm cool enough to pay for. That didn't come out right! But you know what I mean...
The truth is, he is an awesome painter. I have been around a lot of painters in the last ten years and he blows them all away. And I'm not just saying that because I love him and he fixes my van and gets up in the middle of the night when I hear noises. He can paint like nobody's business. Interior, exterior, commercial, residential, new construction, repaints... he does it all. He loves doing faux finishes. They make up a large portion of his work. He does accent walls, fireplaces, faux marble columns, murals. You name it, he's done it. In the picture, he was painting some flowers in a nicho. Pretty good for freehand stuff.
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