Sunday, October 30, 2005
it's a good thing I love him so much, because this is the kind of thing that drives me crazy

where are my grapes?
Mike: [still in bed] Hon, did the time change?
Me: [at the computer] I don't know. I'll check.
Mike: I mean did they decide to change it?
Me: Yes, but I don't know if it was last night or tonight.
Mike: Because they were talking about not changing it.
Me: [after checking the clocks against the time on the cell phone] Yes, it changed.
Mike: Are you sure? Because I don't think they're doing it this year.
Me: Mike. There is a big sign on the school marquee reminding everyone to turn their clocks back.
Mike: Oh.
[a short pause and then I hear him dialing his phone]
Mike: Mom, are they going to turn the time back this year?

// posted by Kristal @ 6:16 AM