Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Where's the @*! aspirin?
I am so worried about Mike. Last night, he was having a lot of chest pain. I could tell he was hurting, but he wouldn’t go to the doctor. Then he asked me for an aspirin. The only reason he would need an aspirin is if he thought he was having a heart attack. I couldn’t find any. “Please, go buy me some. Right now. Hurry.” Not the words you want to hear from the love of your life. I bought a bottle from the grocery store and he took a couple right away. He seemed to get better. Then he got worse. He won’t go to the doctor. We don’t have insurance. I know what he is thinking. If he goes in and they tell him there is something wrong, he might not be able to work. And our money situation is not so good right now. If he doesn’t work, we are going to be in a world of hurt financially.
But what good will it do if he works himself into an early grave?